When offices switch from traditional filing systems to electronic document storage via companies like Scantronix, efficiency and bottom lines improve. Fewer businesses owners may care about the environmental impact of going paperless, but maybe it’s time to start placing equal importance in this additional benefit. It only takes a brief glance at some statistics to feel a little bit ashamed about our own contributions to the massive amount of paper waste still happening, even with today’s emphasis on Cloud services and mobile technology.
OK, here we go. Grab a tissue (perhaps one of the few necessary paper products we still produce). According to a story on Entrepreneur.com:
· For every 30 copies printed in office settings, 39 percent are thrown away.
· It costs $25,000 to fill a four-drawer file cabinet holding 15-20,000 files. It will cost $2,000 a year to maintain it.
According to reduce.org, who supplies us with even more sobering news:
· 10,000 pieces of copy paper are printed every year by a single employee.
· Paper production accounts for more than 40 percent of wood pulp repurposing.
· Printing and writing paper is about half of all US paper production.
· Even though the US accounts for only 5 percent of the global population, its citizens consume 30 percent – 30! – of the world’s paper production.
· In order to create one piece of paper, more than 1.5 cups of water is required.
· 400 paper reams is the equivalent of 1.25 acres of pines that absorb carbon for a year’s time.
Scantronix wants to help your company improve its efficiency as well as become stewards for environmental conservation. We will sit down with your company to determine how best to start converting your paper-rich office to e-documents. We’ll take care of all of the paper scanning. You can start with five to 10 boxes to see how your office likes the system.
We’re helping everyone from healthcare facilities to insurance companies manage their document needs in a digitally focused and environmentally conscious world.
For more information, contact us at (212) 400-6484. Our specialists will develop a document scanning schedule for your office.