“Going paperless” is a concept that has been around for a while, but not as many businesses as you would think have adopted this office policy.
This “green” practice, as well as other green initiatives, is probably the goal of quite a few companies, but many may be leery of beginning. It can seem like a daunting process despite the fact that it creates a more efficient, organized and secure workplace.
Sorting through and organizing mountains of old documents or dusty filing cabinets seems incredibly tedious. However, the process has numerous benefits, such as freeing up space that was previously committed to storage. The new square footage can be dedicated to a new employee hangout space or to create room for new employees. Also, important documents will be stored securely in an online system where they can be reached at any time by employees all over the world.
Outsourcing your document scanning needs is particularly helpful for companies that do not want to pay for employees to do the work and to learn the new online storage system. Also, the specialists at Scantronix, a document scanning and storage solution center, will ensure that each page is scanned and digitized with optimal quality and clarity.
There are a couple of things businesses can do to help facilitate the process of handing over hard copies to e-document creation specialists like Scantronix in an effort to become a 100 percent paperless office:
· Determine what old documents are worth scanning. Of those, determine which ones, if any, need to be preserved due to original signatures. Sorting through old file cabinets will free up space and keep you from overspending on scanning.
· Think about how you want your documents stored online. Do you want to continue storing documents under old categorizations, or do you want to create an entirely new system with new folders and categories? How do you want to be able to search for documents in the new online system? Scantronix will mimic your existing filing system unless otherwise noted.
For more information about Scantronix’ services and how we can seamlessly transition your business from paper to e-documents with the most affordable pricing available, call us at (212) 400-6484.